MUS'HAF by Nimra Ahmed

MUS'HAF, a very beautiful and fluent novel written by Nimra Ahmed. The novel is based on the concept that our God is always trying to talk to us and to guide us to the right path but its we who never try to listen to HIM. 
The story revolves around an teenage girl who learns to listen to God and start following HIM word to word. Though this did not made her tragic life any less tragic but it made her enjoy it because of the connection she had with God. She accepted rather welcomed every affliction with open hands believing its from her God and is to attain higher levels in paradise. The novel has a very deep lasting effect on its readers because it explores and reveals the hidden corners of life where people are afraid to go. It reveals the secrets of making connection with God. And though this novel is fiction; yet it feels so real that its hard to not believe it!

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