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We knows alot about your everyday life and other problems. We may help you by special tips and trickz to make your life easy. Also to create awareness regarding some important stuff about life and everything related to it :)
Heart Breaking Story of A Pakistani Doctor!
My grandfather and my father after him are both graduates of KEMU . The day I graduated; my father who is a respectable medical consultant, sat down with, he looked me in the eyes and said:
"Son! there is no future for you here, I asked you to go to LUMS, but u didn't, you wanted to become a doctor... Now leave this country, there is no good living for doctors here."
I wasn't naive. I knew he was right. But with almost all of my friends I decided to stay. i didn't want to leave my parents. I enrolled in a post graduate traing program of surgery and started working.I have worked for 12 months. My duty hours were 110 hours per week and increased to 150 hours every 3rd week (there are a total of 168 hours in one week). In some weeks I barely even saw my mother of whom I have alot of affection. But no matter what, I believed in my leader's vision, i believed in Imran Khan's Pakistan, not the Pakistan i was faced with every day but the one I wanted to create. I have worked diligently all my life, when I was green i used to count how many lives I had directly saved. I reached 211 after which it became futile to even count. Directly I have saved the lives of more people than most of you even know.
Till last year I was paid an exact ammount of Rs. 22340 per month. That is exactly Rs. 50 for every hour of duty, but it was al right because my dad is rich, i don't want much for anything. My pocket money is 4 times my pay. But taking money from your father is humiliating . especially after all the work i put in. I cant marry as i cant support a wife, i cant even afford my car's petrol for going and coming from my hospital, if my father doesn't give me pocket money. Last year we striked for better pays. It was something that we were forced to do. Every one does not have a consultalnt for a father. Some doctors worked 2 jobs. Can u imagine working 2 jobs when one of them is 440 hours a month. You cant. Its inhuman. Anyways, after the Govt. reaction last year (they fired me along with 4400 other doctors) I had a change of heart. Frankly this is what i thought.. 'to hell with pakistan and its people'. I was bitter and i was wrong but the govt. wasn't blame less . In the end the pay was incrased by 15000. As of last month my exact pay after taxes is 42010. Around Rs. 100 per hour.
Its not enough but its ok. We can manage to live on it but we still have no defined duty hours. Would u belive that more than 50 percent doctors work for free? it is called honorary job. We have to complete training years and we work for free. We have no promoton system, out of total of 34k doctors of punjab only 200 can hope to go from grade 17 to 20. Most will never get a promotion. This is called a service structure??
This year we have striked again, we wore black bands, demonstrated peacefully all year, 4 meetings were held and on all 4 meetings govt. representatives made promises which they subsequently broke. After the last and 5th broken promise we striked. According to PMDC rules sub section 2 a and b: "We are not slaves". We dont have to work if we dont want to. How can anyone force a human to work, thats only possible in slavery. The govt can go ahead and hire doctors who are willing to work in such conditions , good luck finding em . . but my heart is broken. I applied for training in america, after looking at my achedemic record and passing 3 international exams with 99 percentlile i applied for a visa. In 3 days i got my h1b work visa frm the american embassy in islamabad as i was a doctor. 2 weeks ago i was offered a job at the kingsbrook medical centre newyork. My initaial pay is more than most industrialists make in a month. My flight is in 17 days. I dont plan to come back. I love pakistan. But this pakistan, shehbaz sharif's pakistan doesn't deserve me. Out of my class of 310, 159 were ladies and married and did not practaice medicine. 23 lady doctors are working, 90 percent of the male ones have all immigrated. I was there at minar e pakistan with 20 plus friends. 19 including me are never coming back. Shehbaz shareef bhai you won!!
MUS'HAF by Nimra Ahmed
The story revolves around an teenage girl who learns to listen to God and start following HIM word to word. Though this did not made her tragic life any less tragic but it made her enjoy it because of the connection she had with God. She accepted rather welcomed every affliction with open hands believing its from her God and is to attain higher levels in paradise. The novel has a very deep lasting effect on its readers because it explores and reveals the hidden corners of life where people are afraid to go. It reveals the secrets of making connection with God. And though this novel is fiction; yet it feels so real that its hard to not believe it!
iPhone 4S: A BIG BIG BIG Disappointment for Apple fans!!
- After the long awaited iPhone5, apple is releasing iPhone 4S instead; which is quite a disappointment for all the apple lovers.
- I myself an apple fan but when i read the specs of iPhone 4S i was like "WTF Apple? Are you kidding me?"
- Seriously the only thing they have done over a year about which apple is so much bragging about is a better processor (dual core A5) and the camera (8MP) which both themselves are disappointments as this is a year old technology even a 12 MP camera was introduced by Nokia and year ago in its N8 and double core processor by Galaxy SII are the new standards.
- The same underwhelming 3.5" screen.
- Also there is no shape changes neither a thinner nor a better looking one not even lighter!!

Apple's Smart (yet not so smart) Move:

The Apple's only Good Thing this year:
Launch of iOS 5 is the only good thing apple is gonna do this year which will be able to preserve its market shares because of a tremendous(200+) new features they are offering of which the worth mentioning is the iMessage especially designed to compete with BBM (Black Berry Messenger) but one thing for sure apple is definitely not gonna win any new fans/customers this year until the launch of a better iphone5 with all its expected features!
Disclaimer: Everything Mentioned here is best to my knowledge and experience. Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated!
Why Facebook is being Blocked/Banned in Pakistan! Solution?!

On may 31, 2010 Pakistan finally lifted the ban but the blasphemous pages were remain hidden.
The question arises that when those pages are already hidden than what is the need of a complete ban on Facebook. And reason behind this action is that after that Facebook blasphemous event's popularity, many people created blasphemous pages just to screw with Muslims by dishonouring their Holy figures and some for the sake of popularity.
How they get popularity? is a very interesting phenomena! U see if you create a page/site against Islam and just send a link to any Muslim they will make it viral by spamming the link to each and all the people they know just to request them to take down the page. And what you get is thousands of Muslims visiting your site and improving the rating with each visit, though it may end up blocked after so many abuse reports!
This has resulted in hundreds of new blasphemous pages being created on Facebook each day. Adding insult to injury is the attitude of Facebook, which is very uncooperative rather insulting for the Muslim community as they mostly don't take down such pages even after being 'reported abused' thousands of time. Not to mention that all these pages are against the TOS of Facebook.
This incident is not the first in its nature. Before this Danish papers published caricatures of the Holy Prophet of Muslims and even after many protests by the Muslim community the cartoons were republished by other newspaper. Later it became a delightful thing for some people to outrage Muslims by such events. Later some cartoon were published by a website claiming that holocaust was fabricated and denied the holocaust but was not considered a criminal offense because it was intended to be a contribution to public debate regarding a perceived double standard in the distribution of the Danish Mohammad cartoons.

Is this the complete solution to prevent further blasphemies by the soulless wild animals round the globe eager to invoke the Muslims and then label them with terrorist? Ofcourse not! As it may not be that easy to create a page on facebook but building a new website is not that difficult nowadays. So the next step would be to block the internet access?? and then may be the newspaper??
The more appropriate solution would be to identify the culprits behind such actions and brought them to justice. So that no one else do this again. This should be considered a cyber crime. If a website or a page against holocaust doesn't last a week then why does blasphemous pages against Islam last like forever?
Disclaimer: Everything Mentioned here is best to my knowledge and experience. Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated!
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali jinnah's Rare Photos and Letters
Quaid-e-Azam the founder of Pakistan's rare letters photos and pictures!!
Receiving credentials from the first Turkish Ambassador, March 1948
The Founder applies for basic membership of the Muslim League, 1913
The Founder applies for exemption from Latin, Lincoln's Inn, 1893
The Founder with his beloved sister
First Eidul Fitr after Independence, August 1947
Laylat al-Qadr: The Night of Power and Blessings
..:: Laylat al-Qadr | The Night of Power ::..
I. Hadrat Anas ibn Malik reported that when Ramadan came, the Holy Prophet said, "Indeed this month has come to you, and in it is a night more virtuous than a thousand months. So, whosoever is deprived of its blessings is deprived of all blessings. No one is kept deprived of its blessings, but only those who are unfortunate." [Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Page 119]
II. Hadrat 'Aishah reported that the Messenger of Allah has said, "Seek Lailatul Qadr on an odd numbered night (21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and the 29th) among the last ten (nights) of Ramadan." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 270]
III. Hadrat 'Aishah reported: "I asked the Messenger of Allah: tell me what should I say (pray) on Lailatul Qadr if I know which night it is?" He said: say,
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ كَرِيمٌ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّى
"O Allah, You are forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me." [Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 191]
IV. Hadrat 'Aishah reported that the Messenger of Allah used to strive hard in devotion in the last ten nights more than at any other time. [Sahih Muslim, Vol. 1, Page 372]
V. Hadrat Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah has said, "When Lailatul Qadr comes, Gabriel comes down with a company of angels who invoke blessings on everyone who is standing or sitting remembering Allah the Great and Glorious. Then when their festival day comes, i.e. the Eid day, He (Allah) speaks proudly of them to his angels saying, "O My angels, what is the reward of a hired servant who has fully accomplished his work?" They say, "Our Lord, his reward is that he should be paid his wages in full." He says, "O My angels! My male and female servants have fulfilled what I have made obligatory for them, and then have come out raising their voices in supplication. By My Might, Glory, Honour, High dignity and Exalted Station, I will certainly answer them." Then He says, "Return, I have forgiven you and changed your evil deeds into good deeds." The Messenger of Allah said, "Then they return having received forgiveness." [Mishkat, Vol. 1, Page 182]
VI. Hadrat 'Aishah reported that when the last ten days began, the Messenger of Allah used to prepare himself rigorously for devotion; remain awake at night and (also) keep his family awake. [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 271]
Shaykh 'Abd al-Haq "Muhaddith-e-Dehlwi" states under the commentary of the above Hadith that:
"Shadda Mizarahu" (tied his lower garment) is a metaphor that the Messenger of Allah used to devote himself completely for the worship of Allah, more than usually in the last ten days of Ramadan. Or, this is metaphor that the Messenger of Allah isolated and secluded himself from his blessed wives. [Ashi'ah al-Lam'at – Vol. 2, Page 115]
--Extracted FromAnwaar al-Hadith, Page 162 / 163by Hadrat Allama Mufti Jalal al-Din Qadiri al-Amjadi
May Allah subhanahu showers his blessings on all of us and may we all get to pray on this blessful night. (Ameen)
The True Essence of Eid al-Fitr
The True Essence and meaning of Eid-ul-fiter!!
In this day and age, many people eagerly await the end of Ramadan and the coming of Eid al-Fitr to gain their 'freedom' in order to go back to committing sin and disobeying Almighty Allah . Many people start on the day of Eid itself and engage in shameful and reprehensible behaviour in the name of celebration. We should remember that celebration does not mean committing sin, but rather it involves remembering Allah Ta'ala and being grateful to Allah Ta'ala for showering His Mercy and Bounties upon us. Let us look at the true essence and significance of Eid-ul-Fitr, and the way in which those pious servants close to Almighty Allah celebrated Eid.
..:: The Blessed Sunnah to be Followed on Eid Day ::..Lastly, on this joyous occasion we should try as much as possible to follow the beautiful Sunnah of our Beloved Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Some of the Sunnahs are listed below, and what better way could we spend our day of Eid, than following in the footsteps of our Beloved Aaqa (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam):
- Cut the hair
- Trim the nails
- Have a bath (Ghusl)
- Use a Miswaak
- Wear nice clothes - if you have new clothes then wear new, otherwise nice clean clothes.
- Wear an Amaama
- Put on Itr (perfume without Alcohol)
- Put Surma (Kohl)
- Perform the morning prayer in the local Masjid
- Go to the Eid Gah early
- Pay the Sadqa-e-Fitr before the Eid Salaah
- Walk to the Eid Gah and take a different route on the way back home.
- Eat some dates before leaving home for the Eid Salaah (3, 5 or any amount that is an odd number). If there are no dates available, then you should eat anything sweet.
- Express happiness, give lots of charity, go to the Eid Gah calmly, relaxed and dignified, with the gaze lowered.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us the Taufeeq and Hidayat to celebrate Eid the way His pious servants celebrated it, and the Taufeeq to always stay away from sins, but especially during this Mubarak Day… Aameen!!
Eid is a day of celebration for Muslims, a day of happiness. On this day, Muslims perform two rakaats of prayer, meet one another, shake hands and embrace and give charity to the poor and needy. Islam teaches protecting the poor, helping the helpless, and easing the pain and sufferings of orphans and the meek at every turn, and they should not be forgotten, especially on the day of Eid. That is why Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ordered us to pay the Sadqa-e-Fitr before performing the Eid Salaah so that Muslims remember their poor brothers on this occasion and include them in their happiness.
It is reported on the authority of Hadrat Anas (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) that when Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) came to Madina Shareef, the people of Madina would celebrate two festivals. They were asked what these days were and they replied, "We used to celebrate on these days in the days of ignorance." Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Allah Ta'ala has granted you two better days than these days; Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha."
Regarding Eid-ul-Fitr, Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once said, "When the month of Ramadaan is over, and the night of Eid-ul-Fitr has arrived, that night is called the Night of Prize. Then, in the early morning of Eid-ul-Fitr Allah Ta'ala will send His angels forth to visit all the towns and cities on the earth below. Once they have made their descent, they will position themselves at the entrances to all the streets and alleys. There, in a voice that is audible to every being created by Allah Ta'ala, apart from the jinn and humankind, they will issue a proclamation saying, "O Community of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), come forth into the presence of a Noble and Generous Lord, who will grant you gifts in abundance and forgive your terrible sin!" Then when the believers have emerged and presented themselves at their place of prayer, Allah Ta'ala will say to His angels, "O My angels, what is the recompense of the hired labourer, once he has done his job?" The angels will reply, "Our Lord and our Master, You will pay him his wages in full!" So Allah Ta'ala will say, "I now call upon you to bear witness, O My angels, that I have conferred My acceptance and My forgiveness as the reward for their fasting and night vigil during the month of Ramadaan." Allah Ta'ala will then say, "O My servants put your requests to Me now, for this I swear by My Might and My Majesty, you will not ask Me this day, in this gathering of yours for anything connected with your life hereafter, without My granting it to you; nor for anything connected with your life in this lower world, without My attending to your need. By My Might and My Majesty, I will not put you to shame, nor will I expose you to disgrace amongst those who are faithfully committed to observing the laws (of Shariah). Now you may depart, knowing that you have been forgiven. You have won My approval, and I am well pleased with you."" [Ghunyalit Taalibi Tareeqal Haq, Vol. 3]
SubHanALLAH! How Merciful is our Rabb, even though we are such wretched sinners.
Before the advent of Eid-ul-Fitr we need to ask ourselves, "Have we reflected on whether we have respected and honoured the month of Ramadaan as it should be respected and honoured? Have we worshipped in it as we should have?" The final night of Ramadaan is the night for collecting the rewards for all the goodness that was done throughout the month. If we are neglectful of Allah Ta'ala on this night, then our efforts of the whole month might be ruined and will go to waste. Therefore, read the following Hadith and try to spend the last night of Ramadaan remembering Allah Ta'ala and evaluating the deeds that have been performed during the month.
The excellence of remembering Allah Ta'ala on this night is reported in a Hadith in which Hadrat Abu Amamah (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) narrates that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "The hearts of the people who stand in prayers on the night of Eid will not die on the day when all hearts will die." In another narration, Hazrat Mu'az bin Jabal (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) reports that Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has stated, "Paradise is compulsory (Wajib) for one who stays up and worships on five nights – the nights of the 8th, 9th and 10th of Zul Hijjah, the night of Eid-ul-Fitr, and the 15th night of Shabaan." We can therefore understand the significance of the night of Eid from these Ahadith and we should try as much as possible to busy ourselves in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala, even if it is for a portion of the night.
If we study the lives of the Companions and our pious predecessors we will see that even though they used to worship extensively in the month of Ramadaan, they would still feel regret and sorrow on the day of Eid. They were constantly worried about the fact of whether or not they had fulfilled the rights of Ramadaan, just as it is reported about Hazrat Umar (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) that on the day of Eid, he sat in a corner and cried so much that his blessed beard became soaked. When people asked the reason for this, he replied, "How can a person who does not know if his fasts have been accepted celebrate Eid?" That Hazrat Umar (Radiallahu Ta'ala 'Anh) about whom Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said that his good deeds are equivalent to the number of stars in the sky, is crying upon reflecting as to whether his fasts have been accepted or not, whether he has obeyed the orders of Almighty Allah properly and if Allah Ta'ala is pleased with them. Allahu Akbar! And yet sinners like us are absolutely carefree and cannot wait to engage ourselves into sin again!
It was on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr that a man once entered the presence of Hadrat Ali (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) and found him eating coarse brown bread. "Today is the day of Eid, yet here you are, eating coarse brown bread!" the man exclaimed. So Hadrat Ali (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) replied to the visitor, saying, "Today is the day of Eid for someone whose fast has been accepted, whose effort has been deemed worthy, and whose sin has been forgiven. Today is Eid for us, and tomorrow is Eid for us. Every day in which we do not disobey Allah Ta'ala is an Eid for us."
Commenting on this incident, Sayyiduna Ghawth al-Aa'zam Hazrat Shaykh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta'ala Anh) says that it is therefore important for every intelligent person to stop focusing on the external aspect, and not to let it capture his attention. His perspective on the day of Eid should be from the standpoint of contemplation and reflection.
Eid-ul-Fitr is not all about dressing up in fine new clothes, eating delicious treats and pursuing carnal pleasures and delights. In its outward celebration Eid-ul-Fitr is actually meant to symbolize the acceptance of acts of worshipful obedience; the remission of sins and mistakes; the conversion of bad deeds into good deeds; the glad tidings of promotion to higher spiritual degrees and the conferring of robes of honour, gifts and gracious favours. Eid should be celebrated, but together with celebrating it, Allah Ta'ala should also be remembered. Whether there is happiness or sadness, He should never be forgotten; just as Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, "The people who will be called towards Paradise first on the Day of Judgment are those who praised Allah Ta'ala during happiness and sadness.